(broadly construed)
Lyapunovia '21Fractal program remade from the Amiga
Real-time visualization of the Lyapunov Space fractal made with modern technologies like WebGL. A remake of my 1992-1993 (yes) fractal program of the same name, now with animation. Role: Programming and everything.
Petscii JetskiA visual poem in 10 lines for the C64
Game and visual poem for the Commodore 64 co-developed with Nick Montfort for the Basic 10 liner contest 2020. Role: Co-game designer and co-programmer.
4:32Conceptual game
Tongue-in-cheek response to Petri Purho's response to John Cage's 4:33. Voted "most innovative game" at the NYU Global Game Jam 2010. Role: Designer and developer
High Seas: The Family FortuneA Casual Game
An innovative matching tile game. Developed with The Planet for GameTrust in 2007. Role: Co-game designer and programmer.
MMOPG(moderately multiplayer other players game) A conference game
Two-day conference game for 80 people at the Other Players conference at the IT University of Copenhagen, December 6-8 2004. With Eric Zimmerman. Role: Co-game designer.
DetonatorA capturing game
A multiplayer game with the object of capturing as much of the playing field as possible by surrounding it - and the other players. Developed for TV2 Interactive. Graphics and co-game design: Rasmus Keldorff. Role: Co-game designer and programmer.
Flag RallyA multiplayer remake
Somewhat inspired by the classic arcade game Rally X, this is a multiplayer action game for 1-6 players. Developed for Tele Danmark. Graphics and co-game design: Rasmus Keldorff. Role: Co-game designer and programmer.
PingPongAn updated classic for 1-6 players
Modern update of the classic game of Pong. 1-6 players can play in their browser, with computer opponents, morphing playfield and 3 levels of difficulty. Developed for TV2 Interactive. Graphics: Mads Rydahl. Role: Game design and programming. |
HøjhusetGraphical chat system
Højhuset is a graphical chat system with focus on letting the users express themselves through personal rooms, clothing, and items. 50.000 users visited Højhuset every day at its peak. Developed for and in cooperation with Netstationen. Højhuset has been running since 1997. Graphics: Morten Møller. I converted the client from Java to JavaScript in 2014. Role: Interaction design and programming.
SlimebustersMultiplayer action game
Action game for 1-4 players over the net. The game is about collecting enough diamonds to reach the next level. At the same time, the player is being pursued by green slimy monsters. Destroy the monsters by pushing crates after them. Developed for Egmont Online. Role: Game design and programming.
Puls in SpaceAction game
Simple action game. Developed for Netstationen, the most popular youth-oriented community site in Denmark. Role: Game design and programming. [Java] |
BlackoutStorytelling cd-rom game
Role: Scripting and programming the Macintosh version. |
Kampen om KagenQuiz game, children's CD-ROM
Kampen om Kagen is aquiz game for children, developed for public Danish libraries. Role: Game design, project management, and programming.