Please stop using Endnote. Switch to Zotero

I am a big fan of the reference management program Zotero. Now Thomson Reuters, makers of the Endnote program has sued Zotero developer George Mason University because the new version of Zotero can import Endnote databases.

Thomson Reuters demands $10 million and an injunction to stop George Mason University from distributing its new Web browser application, Zotero software, an open-source format that allows users to convert Reuters’ EndNote Software. Reuters claims George Mason is violating its license agreement and destroying the EndNote customer base.

Really. Thomson Reuters believes they own the references that their users have entered into Endnote?  Others have suggested to boycott Endnote, and I support that.

Update: The MIT Libraries have a writeup here.

Speaking at MIT Monday the 27th

Monday I am speaking at Nick Montfort’s very nice Purple Blurb lecture series at MIT.

Jesper Juul on developing video games to develop video game theory

October 27, 6pm, 14N-233
Juul is a video game theorist and author of Half Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds (MIT Press, 2006). He is also a video game developer, and will discuss using lessons from developing online and casual games to inform work with video game theory (and vice versa). Juul is currently a lecturer in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies; he works at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab.

Casual Players prefer Obama

My blog seems to be turning into a “games and US politics” affair. Here goes:

According to a study by NeoEdge, 59% of casual players surveyed prefer Obama, 32% McCain.

Now, I want to propose various explanations. Basically, I think there is something in the underlying structure of Hidden Object and Time Management games that are inherently tied to the values of Democrats.

  • Aren’t time management games the ludic expression of the welfare state, the Democrat idea of (the state as) the nurturing mother? An all-seeing eye that helps everybody?

OK, so I don’t quite believe that. It is more likely that casual players are mostly women, and Obama does well with women.

Sen. Barack Obama has widened his lead among casual game[r]s — an overwhelming majority of which are women — over Sen. John McCain following the third presidential debate on Wednesday, October 15. On October 16, the day following the debate, 59% of the respondents said they preferred Obama, while 32% preferred McCain. A week ago, the day after the second presidential debate (October 8), only 54% percent said they preferred Obama, and 36% said they preferred McCain. According to the poll, Obama now leads McCain by 17 points among this key demographic.

So here is a question: Is the reverse is true? Do “hardcore” game players lean towards McCain?

And what do we mean by “hardcore”? Mega Man? Level 60+ in World of Warcraft? Defender? Guitar Hero on Expert?

Do you have good photos of Wii/Guitar Hero/Rock Band players?

I have been posting a bit slowly lately because I am finalizing my book on “casual games”, meaning downloadable casual games / Wii / Guitar Hero / Rock Band.

And I am looking for good photos of people playing these games!

If you have some that you would be happy to see in my book, please send me a line at:

j at jesperjuul dot net
