An update on what I have been doing the last 6 months:
I am spending the period from summer 2010 – summer 2011 in Copenhagen, where I am working on a research project at the Danish Design School. The project is to write a small book on the subject of Failure in video games (the failures of the player, that is). The project is sponsored by the Danish Centre for Design Research.
I continue to be affiliated with the New York University Game Center, to which I am returning physically in the summer.
I’have been always interested in the role of failure in video games!
Recently with my colleagues we were thinking about the connection between faillure in games and the strenghten of oneself resilience.
What kind of approach are you taking for your book?
Great Blog! :)
The book combines the question of tragedy in video games with some psychological theory, so it’s a bit of a crossover. It also includes some of my personal (painful) experiences of failing in games…