Video Games are becoming more like Movies

No, not in the way you think. The point concerns the relation between the connoisseur and the broader audience. My comment in Mike Snider’s USA Today review of 2009 in video games:

“You are getting more of a rift between traditional (console) games and what people are actually playing in broad numbers,” Juul says, with tens of millions playing casual online games.

“Video games are becoming normal and more like literature and film. You might have these connoisseurs who favor certain ‘novels,’ and they may be out of tune with what the broad population plays.”

7 thoughts on “Video Games are becoming more like Movies”

  1. I agree, players are responding to games more similarly to movies and books now. Which is also possibly the reason why independent games are becoming more commercially viable these days, as gamers become more sophisticated and mature in their taste for games.

  2. More like movies. Becuase nowadays 90% of the videogames are goddamn videos, what part of VideoGAMES can’t they understand?

    I love story, plot and all those things on videogames, but what’s the point of buying a game if i can’t even play it.

  3. ok , but it is not too bad.I tell you as a critic. blending with cutscenes and music can improve artistic quality, i love this kind of games. but traditional games were quite different du to hardwere limitations.

  4. Hi. I have read some of your articles and there is alot of interesting stuff in there. I am currantly working on a master in videogames about the interactivity and how gameplay have changed over the year. I use Marshal McLuhan as a basis and the Cool/hot theory and various degrees of interactivity. I use consoles as a base and both technolgy with controller and mechanism in the game are surely changing. But it depends what game it is talking about. Metal gear solid 4 is more a movie than game, although the gameplay is pretty technical in both 2d/3d. Games like Heavy Rain again is less playing and more movies. I am also working for a ludology approach of this, since we basecally cant controll mechanism and music, story that would make in like a movie/book.

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