A strangely alluring document from another time: A 1990 Swedish television program reviewing video games.
In this installment: Moonwalker, Chaos Strikes Back, DuckTales, Speedball 2 and James Pond.
I imagine that not knowing Swedish will add another dimension to your viewing pleasure.
Contrast with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOZ7W94XeeE
Haha! The American show is goofy-cheesy, where I guess the Swedish show is serious-cheesy?
Damn… both these vids are BoingBoing worthy! :D
The conclusion for the review of duck tales is simply “this game is fun to play”, literally.
Det er nu også sjovt at se de gamle Troldspejlet-afsnit :P
Wikzo, ah ja. Der er også noget nostalgi der.
Yes, not knowing Swedish really adds another dimension to my viewing pleasure.